Life as a Blogger
Hey there, over the last few weeks I have become a blogger, I have found its hard chatting about yourself and your work, especially commenting on others. Over time I have come across heaps of cool blog sites whilst I have been 'lurking' and you can check these out in the side panel on the right.
I have commented on a number of sites which caught my eye and seemed to express peoples personalities. I found a lot of peoples work which I thought looked aesthetically appealing and this is what led me to commenting on others blogs.
I have found this as an odd way to talk to people, having never met some of them. Some peoples blog sites like Matt Eales (and a few others) I found have been similar in style to myself. Matt and I then chose to work together on our Pes Vlog. It was a cool way to see everyones best work of the last semester by giving everyone a chance to comment and view each others blogs. Everyone seemed to have an original style and theme about their site and work which made this assignment quite interesting.
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